features nine projects:

PISS (ON) LOGIC – by Martin Howse and Jonathan Kemp
Pissoir flow as operating system for a citywide leaky computational architecture.
NSA – (ɔritical) Networked Streaming Action – by APO33
Cut-ups of web radio in flux, doomed crash of information overload.
GIASO (Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra) – by APO33
A distributed orchestra mixing multiple audio-streams through a spatial diffusion.
MAKERY – around the world of labs in 48 hours – by
An information marathon on labs heralding the worldwide maker movement.
RIVER STUDIES – by Michael Aschauer
Durational video loops featuring rivers as carrier of cultural landscapes and identities.
PULSE PROJECT – by Michelle Lewis–King
Listen to the interior space of the body through pulse reading and notation.
MIRROR PARTY SISTERS’ PLAY – by Sister0 with Sisters‘
Who will execute relayed codes, free from the lion’s share of toxins?
PLANTOID – by Primavera de Filippi, David Bovill, Vincent Roudaut and Sara Renaud
A blockchain-based autopoietic plantoid, self owned and financed, reproduces itself.
Performing a series of spatiotemporal experiments with radio, objects and an antenna.